-----Original Message-----
From: Fargusson.Alan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: Unsupportable FUD

While SCO did not put anything about GPL or OSS in the suit, they have =
been making comments that Linux, and perhaps GNU software, has SCO IP in =
it.  I am hoping that they do implicate GPL during the trial so that =
this issue can be resolved in a more definitive way.

I think the worst possible outcome for OSS and GPL software would be if =
IBM bought out SCO.

I am not so sure that a company with big pockets would want to risk this =
kind of suit.  A loss could cost them big.  Since SCO has few assets =
they don't have much risk.  This may be why one large company seems to =
be funneling money in the back door of SCO.

SCO risks everything.  They had low standing among Linux users already, now
they have no favor at all.  There are much better commercial Unixes than
they have.  If they don't win this they are pretty much done.  WHO would be
their customer?

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