Hi list,

In the Domino on zSeries release notes I see:
  "First, by default, the linux kernel limits the number of file
descriptors that
  any one process can open; the default is 1024.  This default must be
  overridden by modifying the file /etc/security/limits.conf

  Edit /etc/security/limits.conf using root and add or modify the lines:

      domsrvr     soft  nofile      20000
      domsrvr     hard  nofile      49152"

However, limits.conf is read by the limits.so PAM module which is only
invoked on login via ssh, telnet, etc.  If a startup script were written
(e.g. /etc/init.d/domino), I don't believe limits.conf would be read.

Is there a better way to ensure these values are set?

Or, could one force limits.conf to be read in a startup script?


          -Mike MacIsaac, IBM  mikemac at us.ibm.com   (845) 433-7061

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