> We get today a logon screen when Linux is finished IPLing.

Good. That's what it's supposed to do.

> In the /etc/inittab the entry for su login is below.
> ~~:S:respawn: /sbin/sulogin /dev/console
> What should I change to get this to work as auto logged to root ?

It'd be real helpful if you could tell us what you're trying to do. It's a
much safer idea to use the 3215 console support and use CP SEND and WAKEUP
to automate a logon session.  Are you trying to issue commands, or collect
log data or what?

On the off chance you're trying to automate shutdown with SCIF:

1) You want a 3215 console, not a 3270. The only time you want a 3270
console is when you're running on the bare metal or standalone in in a LPAR
and need some kind of display to get started. The Linux system doesn't know
diddly about driving 3270s beyond simple line mode stuff. You could use
VINPUT, but why complicate things?

2) Throw the whole idea out the window and apply the SIGNAL SHUTDOWN
patches, which give you a much more graceful method of handling this whole
issue.  Leaving root logged on anywhere -- even a supposedly secure
terminal -- is a serious security and integrity breach, is guaranteed to
come back and hurt you badly, and is generally a Really, Really BAD idea.

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