This is my reaction to the above article.

I am a contented Linux and Free/Libre Open Source Software user, and expect to
be using it for the foreseeable future, as I doubt SCO would be able to take
me up on taking them up on their generous offer, particularly when one
factors in the remote control aircraft, the spacecraft and the fully-armed
robots, and the full year's contract with IBM.

Some people just don't know when to stop, do they?

Wesley Parish

Darl McBride
The SCO Group

Dear Darl McBride

About "Linux Migration Incentives Planned by SCO"

A proprietary Operating System?  Of course, I've always had a hankering for
Big Iron.

Yes, now you come to think of it, Linux really isn't all that good - not when
you consider the alternatives.

I think a cluster of Z990s with z/VM with a source code license, with source
code licensed z/OS and VSE/ESA running as guests, would be fine, just fine.

And of course, I was forgetting, a 32-cpu Alpha running OpenVMS for the

I mean, I have to have a _serious games machine_, don't I?  Everybody'll laugh
at me if I don't.  And that takes _serious_ _IO_, to control all the remote
control aircraft and spacecraft and robots that one needs to _play_ _DOOM_ in
a _totally_ _satisfactory_ _manner_; and once again, thanks for offering.

Linux'd never fit the bill, would it?

And once again, thanks for the offer, and I take it that once having declared
my intentions to take up your offer in good faith, you cannot now refuse to
carry it out.  And I gave my full postal address when I applied for the Free
Unix Licenses, so you don't have any excuses, do you now?

I've never owned a mainframe before - and I owe it all to SCO!

Wesley Parish

Clinesterton Beademung - in all of love.
Mau e ki, "He aha te mea nui?"
You ask, "What is the most important thing?"
Maku e ki, "He tangata, he tangata, he tangata."
I reply, "It is people, it is people, it is people."

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