I am currently on a z-800-0A1 Processor with 1 IFL.

I setup my Reset Profile with a Production and TEST LPAR on the S390 engine
and a TUX LPAR on the IFL engine.

Now the Problem:

I initially defined the processor to be a Shared Coupling Facility, on the
Processor tab rather that a Shared processor.

When I try to IPL z/VM 4.3 into the IFL I get a Failed Load with a return
code of 0C.

This is usually caused by a SAIPL image on the IPL Volume being from an
older, Pre z/VM V4, version. In this case I made sure the SAIPL is from my
z/VM 430 system.

Could selecting the button for Shared Coupling facility have caused this

TIA,        \|/
           (. .)

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