Hash: RIPEMD160

MOEUR TIM C wrote:
| BUT - when I begin to load either of the two OSA's with traffic, for
| instance I've been testing TSM and running a bunch of backup data to
| Linux, it will stop.  The OSA adapter, that is, not the application.
| I've refined this process down and I'll start a PING -T on a separate
| command window, and then start the 'high-traffic' application on some
| other client.   At some random time, and occasionally never, the OSA
| device will stop answering pings and the client with time out.  Once
| this happens all TCP/IP traffic through that device is halted, but the
| other device remains alive and working (unless I move a bunch of data
| through it and kill it too).   I mentioned TSM before but this problem
| isn't limited to TSM - I can recreate it by x-windowing to a local
| desktop, presumably generating a decently large traffic flow from zLinux
| to the desktop machine, or any application which might move some data.
| I've done it with YaST while installing extra components.

I had a very similar problem with DB2 and WAS, which maintained a pool
of connections between themselves, and sometimes, occasionally never,
simply stopped working. The solution was to FORCE APPLICATION ALL on DB2
and restart WAS, effectively terminating all existing TCP sessions
between the two users running each of them and creating new ones.

The solution mentioned as a possibility to me by one of our accounts was
to disable QIOASSIST for all OSA interfaces defined in the user
directory, and what do you know - it seemed to have worked. We're
running z/VM 4.4 as of time speaking, and it was supposed to be a known
bug fixed in one of the special fixes which we obviously never applied.

So, as mentioned, try adding NOQIOASSIST to all the OSA devices defined
in your user directory and see. And please report of any changes, as I'm
anxious to find out, as you know - the induction principle is difficult
to apply to computer systems. :)

Hope this helped,
- --
~    Grega Bremec
~    gregab at p0f dot net
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (GNU/Linux)


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