On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 6:17 PM, David Boyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Because ntpd wakes up periodically to check to see if it needs to do
> anything, and causes the virtual machine to get dispatched, which causes
> CP to have to get it actually ready to run, causing lots of fuss, all to
> decide there is nothing to do, so ntpd can go back to sleep. 8-)

David got me wondering just how often ntpd wakes up.  I had assumed that it
would sleep until the next time it wanted to send a packet out, but I was
wrong.  Horribly wrong!  It actually wakes up at least once per minute,
perhaps more.  It seems to be setting an alarm every 30-seconds.

I think Rob's presentation (http://www.rvdheij.nl/Presentations/2005-L76.pdf)
has the best advice: set your z/VM TOD clock accurately at POR, and let the
Linux systems use it.  If you're really concerned about accuracy,
run "ntpd -qx" from cron at staggered times so all your guests don't do it at

So what's wrong with ntpd?  I wanted to see how often Linux scheduled that
daemon to run, but didn't know of any tool that would accurately tell me when
a process was given some CPU time.  So I wrote a little program that tracks
the process statistics and tells me how many jiffies get used during some
time interval.  This is an approximation to what I really want to know,
because it doesn't tell me how many times a process wakes up during that
interval, just that it woke up at least once.

When I started it up, I was surprised to see that ntpd was waking up
frequently.  But I had just started it a few minutes before (I don't normally
run it on my Linux instances), so perhaps it hadn't settled down yet.  So I
left it running overnight.  This morning, it's still waking up far too often.
Here's some output.  The fields are the time, total jiffies, system jiffies,
user jiffies, and program name.  The sampling interval is 5 seconds, but it
only outputs a line if the total jiffies for the interval is non-zero:

10:17:05 1 0 1 (ntpd)
10:17:20 1 1 0 (ntpd)
10:18:55 1 1 0 (ntpd)
10:19:50 1 0 1 (ntpd)
10:20:35 1 1 0 (ntpd)
10:22:06 1 1 0 (ntpd)
10:22:41 1 0 1 (ntpd)
10:23:41 1 1 0 (ntpd)

For comparison, here's what cron did over a far longer period:

09:30:04 11 5 6 (cron)
09:41:05 1 1 0 (cron)
09:45:05 10 5 5 (cron)
10:00:02 10 4 6 (cron)
10:15:03 11 5 6 (cron)
10:30:05 10 5 5 (cron)

This is on SLES 10, with xntp-4.2.0a-70.4.  So ntpd isn't doing much, but it
is waking up very often.  I didn't see any 5-second  interval where it used
more than two jiffies, which isn't surprising because it doesn't have much to
do.  I think most of the time it's just adjusting some counters and going
back to sleep.

Does anyone know of a Linux tool that would give more accurate information
about process wake-ups?  It would be nice to be able to profile Linux daemons
like this and see which ones play nice in a VM environment, because ntpd sure
        - MacK.
Edmund R. MacKenty
Software Architect
Rocket Software, Inc.
Newton, MA USA

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