On Jul 24, 2018, at 6:32 AM, Brimacomb, Brent (TPF) wrote:

> Anyone hosting a LDAP server on z/Linux?    Assume you're running OpenLDAP?   
> What, if any, GUI are you using for admin?

I did, almost ten years ago, when I was last involved with Linux on z. Straight 
OpenLDAP, ppolicy overlay, no GUI. 

> Other gotcha's we should be aware of?

Getting a linux client with NSS and PAM configured so "it works" is 
(relatively) easy. Getting it configured so it works without surprising edge 
cases in the event of, for example, LDAP being unavailable, or if you want 
password policy implemented, is extremely challenging---and keeps changing from 
release to release (sometimes in not-so-subtle ways). The documentation for 
this has always sucked, lacking many important details and glossing over fine 
points which turn out to be extremely relevant. I had to go to the source on 
more than one occasion to discover things like two options which are documented 
as equivalent actually have different code paths. But this isn't z-specific, or 
even OpenLDAP specific.

Also, the opposite of a gotcha: our particular use case at that time 
(centralized auth for a lot of penguins all virtualized on one machine) meant 
that the usual drawbacks of a multi-master replication setup were immaterial 
(i.e. no realistic chance of a network split on a shared VSWITCH), which 
greatly simplified things.


until further notice

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