
My apologies for this marginally topical post...

I have an 8086 that I'd like to use for some embedded projects.  One of
these is the dream of many linux people: the toaster that runs linux.
Hehe... 'telnet toaster'...  Anyways, I have a bunch of EPROMs that I'd
like to program, but I can't get the silly things to erase.  They're
supposed to be UV-erasable, but I don't have a good source of UV.  I tried
sunlight but apparently the ozone is too thick here.  Can anyone suggest a
source of UV suitable for erasing EPROMs, preferably without too much skin
cancer :)


--  Dustin Lang, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  --
(java developer, linux guy, green-haired freak)

Why Linux is so cool: /usr/include/string.h:190:
/* Sautee STRING briskly.  */
extern char *strfry __P ((char *__string));

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