: I got things a bit messed up in this release because I did things in the
: wrong order. The etc/issue file is automatically generated from the elks
: Makefile, but I had not updated it when I built the release. Releasing
: elkscmd and elks at the same time is becoming more work than is easy to
: deal with as elkscmd grows. I think it would be best to switch over to a
: different release model. elkscmd updates can be released regularly with
: date stamped version MAJOR.MINOR version release don't really have any
: meaning for elkscmd as it contains so many packages. I can then release
: the kernel on its own with its disk images much more easily.

        As long as if you have both elks and elkscmd, you can "make comb"
etc.  We're getting significant enhancements by posting them together though.
I know my work depended on it.  I don't mind splitting them if it's too much
work, but we're finding alot of kernel bugs from elkscmd...

: Quite alot of the libc stuff in dev86 is untested. The utent.c file in
: elkscmd is just there as a fix until I submit the patch to the version in
: dev86.

        Send Rob utent, he'll integrate it I'm sure.


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