On Wednesday 05 December 2007 13:34:19 Erwan Velu wrote:
> If (\_OSI("Linux"))  {}
> So on recent hardware could it be interesting to use Windows 2006 or
> Linux as default ACPI_OS_NAME ?

You're mixing up _OS and _OSI - they are different things.

With _OS - Linux specifies it is compatible with one _OS string, and tries to 
match and run that (and you won't see 'Windows 2006' for this, since _OS is 
deprecated in favour of _OSI).

For _OSI - Linux advertises what _OSI strings it's compatible with 
(e.g. 'Windows 2001', 'Windows 2006', etc), and will run through _all_ those 
matching _OSI entries.

However, advertising _OSI("Linux") compatibility, on a lot of hardware, breaks 
things (since the _OSI("Linux") stuff ends up not properly initialising 
hardware, as the manufacturer probably never tested that code path).

Of course, there are a handful that really do need _OSI("Linux"), but these 
are the exception, not the rule.

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