
I am trying to build a cross compiler with newlib 1.8.2. I have some problems to
configure the linker.

I have successfully build the cross compiler with gcc version 2.96 20000702,
binutils 2.10,
and glibc 2.1.3. 

But for newlib, I have problems. The linker is trying to link with crt1.o,
crti.o, crtn.o and those are for glibc only. For newlib, I have only crt0.o. So
the linker complains while linking a porgram. I don't know how to configure the
linker to link with newlib? Anyone has an idea to solve this?

 (~._.~)  Öì Ⱥ Ó¢  (Qun Ying)         (65) 874-6743
  ( O )         Kent Ridge Digital Labs (KRDL)
 ()~*~()  21 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Singapore 119613

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