Am Freitag, 18. Januar 2008 01:28:28 schrieb Dave Robillard:
> There are plenty of people using it, and the API is stable as of 0.109.0
> - it's definitely not changing (again) in Jack 1.  The existing one is
> fine for the uses intended anyway (if you're doing massive sysex dumps,
> don't use Jack)
> But there will be a Jack 2 at some point...

Sorry for throwing myself into this discussion, but why does that proposal 
issue sound like an either or question? Actually I understand both positions, 
the current JACK MIDI implementation should be fine for most of us and is 
already in use by couple of apps, on the other hand I definitely agree with 
Fons that it's really time to get rid of those ancient old MIDI constraints. 
So why not having both solutions in the JACK API at the same time? JACK could 
automatically do the conversion (where possible of course) for clients that 
use the different two "MIDI" APIs in JACK. So that would provide a smooth 
transition for the JACK universe from old MIDI to .... uhm whatever it would 
be called ...

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