On 06/26/2011 05:47 PM, Arnold Krille wrote:
On Sunday 26 June 2011 11:58:54 Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:
On 06/26/2011 10:50 AM, pshir...@boosthardware.com wrote:
Other than that, I'd make a really cool spectrum analyzer that ran the
Fourier analysis on two channels, correlated their phases then made a
+/- line vs. frequency for all to see so that the phase of the
components of the spectrum could be watched for phase relationships.
that is precisely what dual-fft tools for p.a. system calibration do,
and they're extremely useful.
they allow you to constantly monitor the system with _program_ material,
without having to use MLS noise or any other specific measurement signal.
one channel is used for the direct signal from the mixer, the other is
fed by a measurement microphone with delay compensation. you get instant
phase and amplitude response. good systems also give you an additional
"confidence" curve that tells you how much you can trust which parts of
the spectrum. for instance, if your program material is a boy soprano,
the confidence of the measurement in the low end is practically zero.

I use(d) japa for this :-) Altough that lacks phase display...

it will do the job nicely in its difference setting, but you have to find (and compensate for) the delay manually, like a real man. modern p.a. tools allow sissies like yours truly to just click on the "find delay" button and be done :-D
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