On Mon, 22 Mar 2021, Yuri wrote:

Why do you need to design the UI editor from scratch?

There is a very mature and stable software in this field - QtDesigner: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtdesigner-manual.html

Plugins are special, they share memory space and library symbol space both with the the plugin host as well as with any other plugin the host happens to be using. Therefore the plugin must be built static. While it is true that qt plugins can be built static, may distro repos do not want to do this and have a policies against doing such. In a word crash. Using a GUI that does not come as a lib, but as part of the plugin and must be staticly built is the best way to deal with this. So if any budding plugin author asks "which GUI should I use" the answer is generally "not GTK or QT."

Len Ovens
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

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