"The Firefox Crew" is referring to the team that have recently released
version 1.0 of Firefox [http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/], an
Internet browser based on Mozilla [http://www.mozilla.org].

They recently rallied to fundraise money to fund a full page
advertisement in the New York Times.  Apparently they received around
$200,000 USD in total, the left over goes to future software development
efforts.  [http://www.spreadfirefox.com/?q=node/view/4891%E2%80%9D]

Now, our Linux Audio audience is a lot narrower than what a web browser
would appeal to, but maybe it's a start, and with some smarts, we may
surprise ourselves.


On Thu, 2004-11-25 at 02:23 +0100, Jens M Andreasen wrote:
> On tor, 2004-11-25 at 11:53 +1100, Dan Harper wrote:
> > Maybe we should start a sooper dooper fundraising scheme like what the
> > firefox crew did ;)
> Well, my 20¤ is here, but who would you like me to send them to?.
> Preferrably to someone not going to Goa next week.
> On the other hand, I am not at all familiar with "The Firefox Crew" nor
> what they have done. Can you elaborate on that?
> > > We are still talking a ton of dough, and an individual fronting the
> > > consequences of everybody else banging out, is risking a substantial sum
> > > of money.
> /j
Dan Harper
    --- Enhancing the Linux desktop for desktop users   ---
    --- http://danharper.org/linuxdesktopblog/          ---

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