After a few days of careful consideration, I've decided that I no longer
want to be involved in developing software for Linux.  It's been a
difficult decision to make, having used Linux as my main desktop OS for
around 10 years now, but I feel that the community as a whole is going
in a direction that is not compatible with my moral compass.

To that end, I'm pulling everything I've written under the GPL or a
GPL-compatible licence.  If there are copies out there, great, feel
free.  Anything I'm interested in will be rewritten from the ground up
under a BSD-style licence, which to be honest I've always preferred.

Part of the reason for this is the increasing difficulty of using binary
drivers with Linux.  I know a lot of people don't like them, but I like
to have things like accelerated video *and* custom kernels without all
the buggering about involved in getting it working.  In particular the
Debian-based distributions seem to be intentionally hamstrung when comes
to supporting binary-only drivers, which makes running the custom kernel
required for low-latency work *and* the binary nVidia driver almost

I don't want to be associated with this nonsense any more.  It's not
what Free Software is about.


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