On Monday 31 May 2010 19:59:46 Paul Millar wrote:
> Hi Hubert,
> On Thursday 27 May 2010 16:56:00 Hubert Kario wrote:
> > > Would [obtaining file checksum] be possible (without an awful lot
> > > of work)?
> > 
> > [Calculating checksum in-memory]  won't detect in-memory corruption
> > though, but if you want to be resilant to this, you should be looking at
> > 
> >  ECC RAM as subsequent checks can be affected by it to.
> Certainly ECC RAM will help, but unfortunately it doesn't remove the
> possibility of corruption; for example, CERN found [1] that double-bit
> memory corruptions (which ECC cannot recover from) can still happen.
> [1]
> http://indico.cern.ch/getFile.py/access?contribId=3&sessionId=0&resId=1&mat
> erialId=paper&confId=13797
> Also, IIRC there was a case where Fermilab tracked down a data corruption
> to a faulty PCI bus in the server.  So who knows where are all the places
> corruption could occur?
> I guess the real problem is that, when processing large amounts of data,
> these rare occurrences start to stack up.

Yes, but AFAIK btrfs checksums don't have internal checksum (e.g. you can't 
check if the read checksum is a valid one or not, it does not have control 
bits), as such, if you consider PCI bus corruption as likely, you still don't 
get 100% certanity that the data reached the HDD unharmed.

If you need such level of certanity when recording data, I'd consider 
mainframe hardware and/or duplicating whole storage stack.

Hubert Kario
QBS - Quality Business Software
02-656 Warszawa, ul. Ksawerów 30/85
tel. +48 (22) 646-61-51, 646-74-24

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