On Friday 21 of January 2011 00:10:54 Carl Cook wrote:
> On Thu 20 January 2011 14:13:22 Goffredo Baroncelli wrote:
> > To add another disk you don't have to run mkfs.btrfs. For example:
> > 
> > # add the first disk
> > mkfs.btrfs /dev/sdb
> > # mount the disk
> > mount /dev/sdb /media/backups
> > 
> > # add another disk to the first one
> > btrfs device add /dev/sdc /media/backup
> Thanks Goffredo but as I say, I did this and it responds with
>  "ERROR: error adding the device '/dev/sdc'"
> ... it doesn't give a clue.

You still have a btrfs on /dev/sdc, do a 
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=8192
(overkill, but I don't remember which blocks have to be zeroed to destroy 
btrfs superblock)
btrfs dev add /dev/sdc /media backup

> > Note1: the filesystem has to be mounted
> > Note2: the medatada will be in raid1, the data in raid0
> > If you shutdown the system, at the reboot you should "scan" all the
> > device in order to find the btrfs ones
> > 
> > # find the btrfs device
> > btrfs device scan
> This must be done at every boot?  If so, where is recommended, in rc.local?

yes. rc.local is too late, unless you will also mount the volume from there 
and not using /etc/fstab

Hubert Kario
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