Hi Martin,

I just sent 2 patches to the list. Could you please test if these
fix your problem with scrub?


On 02/24/12 16:51, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
Am Samstag, 21. Januar 2012 schrieb Martin Steigerwald:
Am Samstag, 21. Januar 2012 schrieb Martin Steigerwald:
I still have this with 3.2.0-1-pae - which is a debian kernel based
on 3.2.1.

When I do btrfs scrub start / the machine locks immediately up hard.

Then usually on next boot it stops on space_cache enabled message,
but not  the one for /, but the one for /home which is mounted

When I then boot with 3.1 it works. BTRFS redos the space_cache then
while  the machine takes ages to boot - I mean ages - 10 minutes till
KDM prompt is no problem there.

I now tested scrubbing /home which is a different BTRFS filesystem on
the same machine.

Then the scrub is started, scrub status tells me so, but nothing
happens, no block in/out activity in vmstat, no CPU related activity
in top.

btrfs scrub cancel then hangs, but not the complete machine, only the

I had this once on my T520 with the internal Intel SSD 320 as well. The
other time it worked.

Well maybe that is due to BTRFS doing something else on my T23 now:

deepdance:~>  ps aux | grep ino-cache | grep -v grep
root      1992  5.5  0.0      0     0 ?        D    12:15   0:09
[btrfs- ino-cache]

Hmmm, so I just let it sit for a while, maybe eventually it will scrub

At least it doesn´t lock up hard, so there might really be something
strange with /.

FWIW a btrfs filesystem balance / does work. After this a btrfs scrub start
/ still locks the kernel.

Anyway, I might be waiting for the new fsck and try it on the partition.
Or redo the filesystem from scratch, cause I think trying to debug this
will take way more time.

I might also as well redo /home as well. Two fresh 3.2 or 3.3 kernel BTRFS
and see whether they work better.

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