Il 02/05/2012 20:41, Duncan ha scritto:
Martin posted on Wed, 02 May 2012 15:00:59 +0100 as excerpted:

Multiple pairs of "HDD paired with SSD on md RAID 1 mirror" is a thought
with ext4...
FWIW, I was looking at disk upgrades for my (much different use case)
home workstation a few days ago, and the thought of raid1 across SSD and
"spinning rust" drives occurred here, too.  It's an interesting idea...
that I too would love some informed commentary on whether it's
practically viable or not.

I've a similar setup, it's a 2xSSD + 1xHD, but cannot provide real data right now. Maybe next month. One thing I've forgot to mention is that software raid is very flexible and it's very possible to do a raid0 of ssd and then combine it in a raid1 with one (or more) traditional HD.

given the kind of access (many small files) I'm not sure a raid0 is the best solution, to be really effective a raid0 need files (and access to these) bigger than stripe size.
And I was hoping that btrfs would help with handling the large
directories and multi-user parallel accesses, especially so for being
'mirrored' by btrfs itself (at the filesystem level) across 4 disks for
Do you mean 4-way-mirroring?  btrfs doesn't do that yet.

One thing keeping me off of btrfs ATM (besides it still being rather more
experimental than I had thought from the various news I had read, before
I started looking closely) is that its so-called raid1 mode really isn't
(ATM) raid1 (in the normal sense) at all, but rather, strict two-way
(only) mirroring.  If you throw more than two devices at btrfs and tell
it to raid1 them, it'll stagger the two-way-mirroring, it will NOT N-way
mirror except N=2.  My current use-case is four aging seagate 300 gig sata
conventional "spinning rust" drives, in multiple (mostly) 4-way
md/raid1s.  I /could/ upgrade drives if I needed to (thus the interest in
disk upgrades and the thought of SSD/rust mixed raid1, mentioned above),
but am looking at continuing to use the existing hardware, as well, and
aging as they are, I simply don't trust two-way-only mirroring, at this
point, as having a second device fail before I fully recovered from
replacing the first is a realistic possibility, at this point.  3-way
would be acceptable, but btrfs doesn't do that yet.

At least 3-way and possibly N-way mirroring is on the btrfs roadmap, to
be introduced after raid5/6 as it'll build on that code.  The raid5/6
code was in turn roadmapped for after a writing btrfsck, which is now
available but still being worked on.  So hopefully, raid5/6 for kernel
3.5, and with luck, 3-way/N-way raid1/mirroring could land in 3.6.

Thoughts welcomed.

Is btrfs development at the 'optimising' stage now, or is it all still
very much a 'work in progress'?
As the above might hint, btrfs is still a work-in-progress.  Only since
March has there been a btrfsck that could do any more than report errors,
and using it to actually correct errors still comes with a warning that
it could actually make them worse, instead, so is discouraged except for
testing purposes.

The basic btrfs itself is in somewhat better shape, but its most mature
and well tested code is single device, or multiple stable devices, used
with LOTS of free space left for "normal" usage, not stuff like databases
where there's lots of modify a few bytes in the middle of a huge file
sort of activity going on.  For that use case, btrfs is "sort of" stable,
stable enough that it's being deployed by some distributions.

The common errors reported now seem to be ENOSPC under filesystem stress
conditions, problems dealing with checksum errors during filesystem scrub
and the like (as with btrfsck, errors are found easily enough, repairing
them remains problematic at times, however), and notably of interest for
mirrored usage (so for both you and I), problems recovering from loss of
one of the two mirror copies.  (At least some of this last one is
actually a subcase of the checksum recovery issues, since the problem
often appears as checksum issues on the remaining copy.)

So while btrfs /might/ be argued to be reasonably stable for single
device or multi-device home use where the devices remain stable and where
the level of filesystem stress isn't too great, it's /not/ well suited to
use-cases for which (other than striped-raid0) RAID would normally be
considered, that is, where the R/Redundant bit comes into play, since
recovery from loss/replacement of a "redundant" device on btrfs still all
too often demonstrates that the device wasn't actually "redundant" after
all, and its loss often results in not only lost data, but a damaged
btrfs that's impossible to fully recover in btrfs current state, as well.

And as I said above, features are still actively being added -- it's not
yet feature-complete even to the originally defined feature-set (the
brand new and still very much testing-only fixing btrfsck being just one
example, that normally being considered a pretty basic requirement for
any decent filesystem).  By traditional definition, then, btrfs is "alpha
software", not yet feature complete.

Basically, that means btrfs is still what it says on the kernel config
option label, experimental.  Under the basic stable device low-filesystem-
stress scenario, it's getting close to stable, except for the still
testing level of btrfsck.  For anything beyond that, I'd definitely say
wait, for now, but in 2-3 more kernel releases, say toward end-of-year or
early next, the then-current outlook should be much better, to the point
that it should start looking realistic for at least the early adopters
with backups who are willing to risk having to use them.

Meanwhile, for current usage, it is said that a wise admin always has
backups, no matter the filesystem stability/maturity.  But for btrfs in
current experimental state, that's really not good enough.  Ideally,
anyone using btrfs now, will what they consider their primary data copy,
with its normal backups, on something other than btrfs.  The copy they're
testing with on btrfs, then, will be exactly that, a throw-away, testing
copy, not even the primary copy of the data, with backups, but a copy
made specifically for testing btrfs, that is really is considered throw-
away, possibly missing the next time you go to use it, but no big deal
because it wasn't the main copy anyway, let alone the backup, just the
throw-away copy one was testing with that they half expected to be eaten
by that test anyway.

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