On 11/02/2012 04:54 PM, Kyle Gates wrote:
So I have ended up in a state where I can't delete files with rm.

the error I get is no space on device. however I'm not even close to empty.
/dev/sdb1 38G 27G 9.5G 75%
there is about 800k files/dirs in this filesystem

extra strange is that I can in another directory create and delete files.

So I tried pretty much all I could google my way to but problem
persisted. So I decided to do a backup and a format. But when the backup
was done I tried one more time and now it was possible to delete the
directory and all content?

using the 3.5 kernel in ubuntu 12.10. Is this a known issue ? is it
fixed in later kernels?

fsck /btrfs scrub and kernel log. nothing indicate any problem of any kind.

First let's see the output of:
btrfs fi df /mountpoint

You're probably way over allocated in metadata so a balance should help:
btrfs bal start -m /mountpoint
or omit the -m option to run a full balance.            
I had to use the disk for work so I could not be stuck in that situation and thus had to nuke the disk. maybe I can recreate the state I put back mostly the same data again minus some stuff I did not really need.

So under what circumstance can this actually happen ? why could I remove/add files in one directory and not another? its the same partition. And also the filesystem was just a few days old and no snapshots or anything, well I do use lzo compression but other than that default values was used to create it.

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