Op 11-1-2013 23:38, Hugo Mills schreef:
On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 03:34:25PM -0700, Chris Murphy wrote:
On Jan 11, 2013, at 12:21 PM, Roelof Wobben <r.wob...@home.nl> wrote:
I have one thing I think I don't really understand about btrfs,

Normally if I use ext4 I make a  3 partitions for my distro.

one for boot about 1G
one for home about 30G
one for root for the rest of my 100G.

Now I wonder if I want to do the same with btrfs.

Can I do the same so make 3 partitions with btrfs or can I better make 1 
partiton of 100G and make the /boot /home and  / subvolumes of the big 

Can one of you btfrs gurus shine a light of this matter ?
You can make one Btrfs volume with /boot, /home, and / as
subvolumes. GRUB2 2.00 can boot this arrangement, and that's the
first caveat which is that many distributions are using older
versions of GRUB2. It even works with Btrfs data/metadata profiles
single, dup; and multiple device raid 0, 1, 10; and compression
zlib, and lzo.

Swap still needs to be on a separate partition, as I don't think
Btrfs is supporting swapfiles yet still, but maybe someone else can
comment on the status of that.
    I don't know this area of the code at all well, but as I understand
it, there's been some work in the kernel (swap over NFS) which lays
down some of the underlying infrastructure we'd need to support
swapfiles on btrfs, but we don't have anything beyond that. I don't
know of anyone working on it, either.


Im testing Crux where I must make a custom partiion scheme before I can start the installer. And Im making this scheme before because people told me that was the best way to work.


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