On 05/20/2013 08:59 PM, Duncan wrote:
Then I ran into hardware issues that turned out to be bad caps on my 8- year-old mobo (tho it was dual-socket first-gen opteron, which I had upgraded to top-of-its-line dual-core Opteron 290s, thus four cores @ 2.8 GHz, with 8 gigs RAM, so it wasn't as performance-dated as its age might otherwise imply). However, those issues first appeared as storage errors, so knowing the drives were aging, I thought it was them, and I replaced, upgrading for the first time to 2.5" from the older 3.5" drives.
And that is actually an advantage of using btrfs. Because ... btrfs, unlike conventional RAID is very compatible and simple to use with SMART. That way, by watching your system logs or journal, you are immediately aware of any hard drive issues.
But meanwhile, the hardware problems continued, and I found the old reiserfs was MUCH more stable under those conditions than btrfs, which would often be missing entire directory trees after a crash, where reiserfs would be missing maybe the last copied file or two. (I was still trying to copy from the old raid1 to the new single device hard drive, so was copying entire trees over... all on severely unstable motherboard hardware that was frequently timing out SATA commands... sometimes to resume after a couple minutes, sometimes not. Of course at the time I was still blaming it on the old drives since that was what I was copying from. It only became apparent that they weren't the issue once I had enough on the new drive to try running from it with the others detached.)
What can I say? Hans Reiser, aside from his horrendous character flaws, is a software genius. After a terrifying experience of having a hard drive fail and no backups, Hans Reiser and his helpers came to my aid and in short order I had all my data back intact. I found that pretty impressive. After that for a number of years I continued to use Reiserfs in a software RAID 1 configuration. I never ever had any complaints about Reiserfs. I really liked it and still do. I really wanted to see Reiser4 see the light of day, but after Mr Reiser's incarceration, that has become more and more unlikely. So, in 2009 I switch to hardware RAID 1 on a pair of old 3ware cards. But file system RAID as offered by btrfs and zfs have the distinct advantage of not having to face those terrifying syncs after loss of a drive. So now, as of April 2013, I am 100% on btrfs (well, almost). I use 5 500GB Seagate 2½" drives with all but boot filesystem (boot filesystem is spread across two Seagate 2½" 80GB drives formatted btrfs) spread across them in RAID1 configuration. Additionally 100% of the content of those drives get backed up to another 500GB Seagate drive (formatted JFS) via cron every 3hrs AND to a 4TB Seagate drive (formatted btrfs raw, sans partitioning) via anacron daily, weekly, monthly, etc. I also have a stripped down maintenance OS running on ext4 that I use to backup the main OS itself daily as a manual operation. I am running this on a SuperMicro board with a dual core Pentium processor. Not a particularly muscular system, but a VERY stable one. I also use a small UPS unit which I think is a very good idea if you are doing write caching with btrfs, or any other filesystem for that matter. I use a CyberPower unit and CyberPower has a very nifty UPS tool for Linux which does auto-shutdown on low battery without intervention.

All in all I am very happy with this arrangement so far. It has worked flawlessly in most respects and I really, really like btrfs. The two bugs in the ointment for me right now are 1) the infamous boot bug on kernel 3.8 whereby one gets repeated boot failures do to "open_ctree failure" and can only boot the system successfully after multiple attempts. And 2) the btrfs incompatibilities like the umount issue which I script my way around by doing `mount -l` which provides both the LABEL and the mount point on the same line then `grep` out the label, extract the mount point with a `cut` and feed the verified mount point to `umount`. That all works very sweet even if it is a bit clutzy. And I am well enough aware of the dark side of all of this to steer clear of fatal moves with partitioning tools etc that don't have a clue that a mounted btrfs partition is ... a mounted btrfs partition even if it is NOT the mount point. My only real concern at this point is the boot issue. Overall, I have a lot less problems now than I did with hardware RAID and have not the least desire to go back. btrfs could be better, but its still head and shoulders over any other approach I have tried, but that does not include zfs, which I have also heard very good things about.

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