On Mon, 3 June 2013 13:49:30 -0700, Christoph Hellwig wrote:
> I can't say I like the structure.
> A list_pop that removes and entry from the head or returns NULL if the
> list is empty would lead to nice while loops that are obviously
> readable instead.

Something like this?

#define list_pop(head) \
        ({ struct list_head *____pos; \
           list_empty(head) ? NULL : (____pos = (head)->next, \
                   list_del(____pos), ____pos) \

#define list_pop_entry(head, type, member) \
        ({ struct list_head *____pos; \
           list_empty(head) ? NULL : (____pos = (head)->next, \
                   list_del(____pos), list_entry(____pos, type, member) \

Would be fine with me as well.


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not tried it.
-- Donald Knuth
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