On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 02:59:58PM -0700, Roger Binns wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 18/07/13 13:05, Chris Murphy wrote:
> > Sounds like if I have a degraded 'single' volume, I can simply cp or
> > rsync everything from that volume to another, and I'll end up with a
> > successful copy of the surviving data. True?
> Not quite.  I did it with cp -a.  Because all the metadata survived, cp
> would create the target file, but then get an i/o error on opening/reading
> the source file.  It would print an error message, but not delete the
> empty target file. Consequently I ended up with loads of zero length files
> I had to go in and delete afterwards.

   The odds of having an undamaged file from that process are much
better for single than for RAID-0 (and aren't affected by having tools
which will cope better with IO errors -- although you'll get more of
each damaged file if you do). As the file size goes up, the odds of it
being damaged increase.


> I briefly looked for an rsync option to keep going on source i/o errors
> but didn't find one.
> Roger
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