FYI: I ended up wipefs'ing the drive and adding it back in. I also has
to abort the residual balance process to get the filesystem back to a
state where I could add disk. I didn't realize this until after wiping
the drive. Maybe if I'd known to look for that I could have recovered
the drive before the wipe. Anyway, all seems fine now and I'm not mix
and matching connection types.

More History:
The filesystem came to a failed state during a balance just after
adding the problem disk. This disk also had been installed inside the
case on SATA instead of inside an external multi-drive enclosure. My
thoughts at the time (now known to be semi-faulty) were it would be
faster to push data into the disk that way. When the machine
hardlocked this one drive was different enough from the other 3 I
simply could not get btrfs to work with all four disks at once.

On Sun, Aug 4, 2013 at 7:05 PM, Kai Krakow <> wrote:
> Duncan <> schrieb:
>>> It is a RAID-1 so why bother with the faulty drive? Just wipe it, put it
>>> back in, then run a btrfs balance... There should be no data loss
>>> because all data is stored twice (two-way mirroring).
>> The caveat would be if it didn't start as btrfs raid1, and there's still
>> some data (or possibly metadata if it was the single drive at one point
>> or they're ssds, as btrfs defaults to metadata single in ssd mode) that
>> hasn't been duped elsewhere.
> Oh... That's actually a pitfall... :-\
> Note to myself: Ensure balance has been run successfully and completely.
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Sandy McArthur

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