I'd like to know if there are drawbacks in using btrfs with non-ECC RAM instead 
of using ext4 with non-ECC RAM. I know that some features of btrfs may rely on 
ECC RAM but is the chance of data corruption or even a damaged filesystem 
higher than when i use ext4 instead of btrfs?
I want to know this because i would like to use the snapshot feature of btrfs 
and ext4 does not support that. I will not use btrfs for fixing silent data 
corruption nor for using RAID like features or encryption. ZFS however checks 
files in the background (even if i don't want) and if it thinks there is an 
error it will fix it and i cannot disable this feature. So errors in RAM may 
corrupt my files or even more.

If you have some information regarding this topic or some good links i would be 
very happy! =)

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