$ /sbin/btrfs subvol create /tmp/test
Create subvolume '/tmp/test'
$ /sbin/btrfs subvol delete /tmp/test
Delete subvolume '/tmp/test'
ERROR: cannot delete '/tmp/test' - Operation not permitted

The above is when running Debian kernel 3.12 based on Linux upstream 3.12.8.  
I believe that the BTRFS kernel code should do a capabilities check for 
CAP_SYS_ADMIN (which is used for mount/umount among many other things) before 
creating a snapshot.  Currently it appears that the only access control is 
write access to the parent directory.

There is some possibility of debate about the access control needed for 
creating a subvol.  I want to use capabilities set by SE Linux policy to 
prevent unwanted actions by hostile root processes and I think that such use 
of capabilities (which is used by more than just SE Linux) should be 
supported.  I don't think that there is any downside to such checks.

In any case allowing a subvol to be created but not deleted with the same 
level of access is obviously a bug.

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