On Feb 6, 2014, at 11:08 PM, Roman Mamedov <r...@romanrm.net> wrote:

>  And what
> if I am accessing that partition on a server via a network CIFS/NFS share and
> don't even *have a way to find out* any of that.

That's the strongest argument. And if the user is using 
Explorer/Finder/Nautilus to copy files to the share, I'm pretty sure all three 
determine if there's enough free space in advance of starting the copy. So if 
it thinks there's free space, it will start to copy and then later fail 
midstream when there's no more space. And then the user's copy task is in a 
questionable state as to what's been copied, depending on how the file copies 
are being threaded.

And due to Btrfs metadata requirements even when deleting, we actually need an 
Avail estimate that accounts for "phantom future metadata" as if it's currently 
in use, otherwise we don't really have the right indication of whether or not 
files can be copied. 

Chris Murphy--
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