On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 10:14:26PM -0800, Marc MERLIN wrote:
> Does someone know how I can debug further why this is hanging?
> It seems that accessing a certain directory on one of my btrfs filesystems
> causes this.
> The rest of my system seems ok, as long as I'm not touching this filesystem.
> Is this a bug, or a performance problem?

Mmmh, this bug might be part of the problem:
gargamel:/mnt# btrfs scrub start btrfs_pool2
ERROR: scrub is already running.
To cancel use 'btrfs scrub cancel btrfs_pool2'.
To see the status use 'btrfs scrub status [-d] btrfs_pool2'.
gargamel:/mnt# btrfs scrub cancel btrfs_pool2
ERROR: scrub cancel failed on btrfs_pool2: not running
gargamel:/mnt# btrfs scrub status btrfs_pool2
scrub status for cb9df6d3-a528-4afc-9a45-4fed5ec358d6
        scrub started at Sun Feb 23 18:29:39 2014, running for 5 seconds
        total bytes scrubbed: 0.00 with 0 errors
gargamel:/mnt# btrfs scrub cancel btrfs_pool2
ERROR: scrub cancel failed on btrfs_pool2: not running
gargamel:/mnt# btrfs scrub status btrfs_pool2
scrub status for cb9df6d3-a528-4afc-9a45-4fed5ec358d6
        scrub started at Sun Feb 23 18:29:39 2014, running for 5 seconds
        total bytes scrubbed: 0.00 with 0 errors

Note that it says running for 5 seconds, but it started 4H ago.

Any idea what's going on here?

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