I am, then, quite confused...

On 04/23/2014 09:28 PM, Brendan Hide wrote:
Replied inline:
btrfs doesn't differentiate snapshots and subvolumes. They're the same
first-class citizen. A snapshot is a subvolume that just happens to have
some data (automagically/naturally) deduplicated with another subvolume.

What then is the -s for in

btrfs subvolume list -s <mount point>

Clearly some information of bias and status exists or the option and its functional behavior wouldn't exist.

I understand the use of -p for doing diffs, but here's the thing...

mount /dev/sda /drivea
mount /dev/sdb /driveb

btrfs subvolume create /drivea/Base
btrfs subvolume snapshot -r /drivea/Base /drivea/Base_BACKUP

btrfs subvolume list -a /drivea
[blah blah blah] Base
[blah blah blah] Base_BACKUP

* skipping the network and delta-T nonsense as irrelevant
btrfs send /drivea/Base_BACKUP | btrfs receive /driveb/

*No way to make /driveb/Base_BACKUP _not_ end up read only
*So make a writeable snapshot

btrfs subvolume snapshot /driveb/Base_BACKUP /driveb/Base

btrfs subvolume list -a /driveb
[blah blah blah] Base_BACKUP
[blah blah blah] Base

**** Confusing and/or problematic bit:
btrfs subvolume list -s /drivea
[blah blah blah] Base_BACKUP

btrfs subvolume list -s /driveb
[blah blah blah] Base

So if I want to, say, write a backup script that rotates through the subvolumes to rotor backups, the restored drive (driveb in this example) automatically fails. There is no apparent way to coerce the relationship such that both drives end up with "Base" being the writable base and "Base_BACKUP" be the read-only snapshot returned when doing list -s.

So the systems are "the same" but they aren't really the same according to this clearly visible symptom.

As such various automations that one might right for an original system could then choke and die after restoration from this backup. Either that or you have to use /bin/cp (or similar) and lose the backup history when you restore.

Its a surprise waiting to happen. It surprised me.

It's _impossible_ to strip Base of it's subvolume status on /driveb. If you delete the Base_BACKUP element so that Base is the only thing on the drive, it's still a shapshot according to -s. What does this status even mean if it's as meaningless as it seems.

That seems like a second surprise.


Is this a common case? It could easily be if you use NAS or movable USB to do your backups and restore-or-media-migration operations.

Are we sure it doesn't matter? I find it problematic but fixable in concept. I've got no information whether the internal parentage relationship could be reversed so that the before and after of the subvolume list -s result are the same.

No I'm not looking for byte-level identical status, I know that's ridiculous.

I want semantically identical status.

My experience with list -s says I'm not getting semantically identical status after the fact and I have no clear way to coerce it.


Why it matters...

If I am doing monthly and weekly archiving I don't want to interrupt the rolling archive(s) if I end up having to do a restore. I don't want to create a catastrophe point or an interrupting epoch in the archive history.

It sounds like it doesn't matter once you know not to use the -s status for anything...
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