On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 2:18 AM, Marc MERLIN <m...@merlins.org> wrote:
> Howdy,
> I writing slides about btrfs for an upcoming talk (at linuxcon) and I was
> trying to gather a list of companies that contribute code to btrfs.
> What I came up with (sorted alphabetically)
> Couchbase (CouchDB)

Hi Marc,

If you're listing Couchbase because you noticed I'm one of their
employees, then you can remove it from the list (I've never seen any
couchbase mail address or other employees contributing anything to
All my contributions are done during my personal time and by my own
initiative (that's why I only use my personal gmail address for all
messages to this list and patches).

As an aside, CouchDB is an Apache Software Foundation project,
completely unrelated to Couchbase. It's unfortunate the company uses
the term Couch for its name/products too - it confuses a lot of people
-  as one of the ex-founders was the CouchDB creator and it employs
(and employed more in the past) CouchDB contributors (like me). Both
databases are very different at several levels: features, goals,
architecture, implementation, etc.


> Facebook
> Fujitsu
> Fusion-IO
> Oracle
> Suse
> Are there other companies I missed?
> Thanks,
> Marc
> --
> "A mouse is a device used to point at the xterm you want to type in" - A.S.R.
> Microsoft is to operating systems ....
>                                       .... what McDonalds is to gourmet 
> cooking
> Home page: http://marc.merlins.org/
> --
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Filipe David Manana,

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