On Apr 24, 2014, at 9:55 AM, Hugo Mills <h...@carfax.org.uk> wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 09:23:28AM -0600, Chris Murphy wrote:
>> I don't understand the btrfs send -c <clone-src> man page text, or really 
>> even the use case. In part this is what it says:
>>> You must not specify clone sources unless you
>>> guarantee that these snapshots are exactly in the same state on both
>>> sides, the sender and the receiver.
>> If the snapshots are the same on both sides, then why would I be using clone 
>> in the first place?
>   To copy over another snapshot which shares data with them.
>>> -c <clone-src> Use this snapshot as a clone source for an 
>>> incremental send (multiple allowed)
>> Incremental send implies the sender and receiver are not in the same state 
>> now, but will be after the command is executed. Is one, or both, snapshots 
>> rw for -c?
>> Anyway, I'm lost on the specifics, but clearly I'm even lost when it comes 
>> to the basic difference between -p and -c.
> (Note: I've not actually tried the second case in what follows, but
> it's what I think is going on. This may be subject to corrections.)
>   OK, call the sending system "S" and the receiving system "R". Let's
> say we've got three subvolumes on S:
> S:A2, the current /home (say)
> S:A1, a snapshot of an earlier version of S:A2
> S:B, a separate subvolume that's had some CoW copies of files in both
>     S:A1 and S:A2 made into it.
>   If we send S:A1 to R, then we'll have to send the whole thing,
> because R doesn't have any subvolumes yet.
>   If we now want to send S:A2 to R, then we can use -p S:A1, and it
> will send just the differences between those two. This means that the
> send stream can potentially ignore a load of the metadata as well as
> the data. It's effectively saying, "you can clone R:A1, then do these
> things to it to get R:A2".
>   If we now want to send S:B to R, then we can use -c S:A1 -c S:A2.

OK this makes sense now, thanks.

Does the use of -c always require at least two -c instances? Is there an 
example where -c is used once? From the man page I'm not groking that there 
must be at least two -c's.

>   I'm trying to think of a case where -c is useful that doesn't
> involve someone having done cp --reflink=always between subvolumes,
> but I can't.


> So, I think the summary is:
> * Use -p to deal with parent-child reflinks through snapshots
> * Use -c to specify other subvolumes (present on both sides) that
>   might contain reflinked data

I think the key is that -c implies a minimum of five subvolumes: two subvolumes 
on the source, which have (identical) counterparts on the destination (that's 
four subvolumes), and then one additional somehow related subvolume B on the 
source that I want on the destination.

Whereas -p implies three subvolumes (one on the source which is the parent, its 
counterpart on the destination, and a child on the source which I want on the 
destination). I necessarily must understand the relationship among them in 
order to get the desired incremental result on the destination.

Chris Murphy

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