On Wed, May 07, 2014 at 08:38:38PM -0400, Chris Mason wrote:
> Looks like you're on 3.14, did this have the fixes from my git tree
> that went into 3.15-rc?
You're correct, it's running 3.14.0. Considering that it's my main laptop
that I kind of need to work, I avoid rc kernels if possible :)
But if I had known that 3.14 had corruption problems, I'd have
re-thought that :)
(besides my report, were there other ones I missed? Is 3.14.0 something
to avoid for now?)
(yes, I know 3.14.3 is out now, I should upgrade)

> For now I'd say that if you can make a dd image of the FS, please do
> so.  Otherwise, I don't want to suck down your time right before the
> trip.

A full dd image is not practical, it's 1TB and I have nowhere to put it.
I could do an image if you'd like, and upload it when I have proper
internet (I'm thinking it's likely going to be a 1GB upload)

(by the way, I'm already in the trip, and I have 1h before my next
plane and a bit of time tonight (in 10H my time that is) to upload stuff
or more logs if that helps.

But more importantly, I have my main file server at home running 3.14.0
too. Is there a risk of known corruption, or nothing known yet?

Of if you'd like output of fsck in dry-run mode, I can do that too.

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