On Jun 22, 2014, at 1:49 AM, Imran Geriskovan <imran.gerisko...@gmail.com> 

>> The 64KB Btrfs bootloader pad is 8 sector aligned, so for 512e AF disks
>> there's no problem formatting the whole drive. The alignment problem
>> actually happens when partitioning it, using old partition tools that don't
>> align on 8 sector boundaries. There are some such tools still floating
>> around.
> A 'somewhat' related question:
> So called Advanced Format drives has 4K physical sector size,
> however they report 512B logical sector size.
> How does linux kernel access those drives?
> 512B or 4K at a time?

Does anyone know if blktrace will intercept the actual SCSI commands sent to 
the drive? Or is there a better utility to use for this? When I use it 
unfiltered, I'm not seeing SCSI write commands at all.

This is the blktrace/blkparse for dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda seek=430234064 
count=8 oflag=direct

This is the blktrace/blkparse for dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=4096 
seek=53779258 count=1

The dd command clearly shows a difference, but when I look at the ATA command 
set I'd expect the Linux SCSI layer to turn these dd commands into the same ATA 
command: basically a write start LBA and sector count. And the LBA and sector 
count can only be in 512 byte sector addresses because that's all a 512e type 
of AF disk understands.

Chris Murphy

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