On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 05:33:45PM -0700, Marc MERLIN wrote:
> Howver, I have found that btrfs raid 1 on top of dmcrypt has given me no ends 
> of trouble.
> I lost that filesystem twice due to corruption, and now it hangs my machine 
> (strace finds
> that df is hanging on that partition).
> gargamel:~# btrfs fi df /mnt/btrfs_raid0
> Data, RAID1: total=222.00GiB, used=221.61GiB
> Data, single: total=8.00MiB, used=0.00
> System, RAID1: total=8.00MiB, used=48.00KiB
> System, single: total=4.00MiB, used=0.00
> Metadata, RAID1: total=2.00GiB, used=1.10GiB
> Metadata, single: total=8.00MiB, used=0.00
> unknown, single: total=384.00MiB, used=0.00
> gargamel:~# btrfs fi show /mnt/btrfs_raid0
> Label: 'btrfs_raid0'  uuid: 74279e10-46e7-4ac4-8216-a291819a6691
>         Total devices 2 FS bytes used 222.71GiB
>         devid    1 size 836.13GiB used 224.03GiB path /dev/dm-3
>         devid    2 size 836.13GiB used 224.01GiB path /dev/mapper/raid0d2
> Btrfs v3.14.1
> This is not encouraging, I think I'm going to stop using raid1 in btrfs :(

Sorry, this may be a bit misleading. I actually lost 2 filesystems that
were raid0 on top of dmcrypt.
This time it's raid1, and the data isn't lost, but btrfs is tripping all
over itself and taking my whole system apparently because of that

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