Marc MERLIN posted on Fri, 22 Aug 2014 08:50:40 -0700 as excerpted:

> Fairly often (over 20 times for me so far with various kernel versions),
> when I reboot after a crash, my google-chrome profile is damaged in one
> of 2 ways:
> 1) open tabs don't reopen 2) google-chrome says that my profile is
> corrupted.
> In both cases rsyncing ~/.config/google-chrome from the last hourly
> snapshot has fixed the problem every time.

I've had a similar issue with firefox, tho I've narrowed it down to a 
single file, IIRC preferences.js, which firefox keeps plenty of backups 
of (I see seven, going back quite some way), and recovering it from the 
last firefox backup or from my own backups has worked the three-ish times 
it happened here.  But it was a bit disconcerting to see firefox pop up 
its new profile wizard the first time it happened, and it took me awhile 
to figure out which file I needed to restore to get my skins and 
extensions back to normal.

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