Duncan posted on Tue, 21 Oct 2014 11:01:50 as excepted:

>>Ronny Egner posted on Tue, 21 Oct 2014 06:28:34 +0000 as excerpted:
>> Dear All,
>> i was wondering what happened with the patch posted by Andrea Mazzoleni
>> back in Februrary 2014 (this Thread:
>> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.kernel/1654735)
>> Why wash´t it added to the code? Something missing/wrong
>> In my opinion the posted patch is awesome and would enable a unique
>> feature to btrfs that no file system / volume manager on Linux and other
>>UNIX-operating system currently has.

> That, along with a bunch of other features, is on the longer term
> roadmap and will likely eventually be implemented.  Actually, the
> discussion involves a quite flexible plan where number of
> redundancies/parities/strips-per-strip are all configurable along
> different/independent axes.

> I wouldn't recommend expecting it any time soon, however, as btrfs
> features have repeatedly taken far longer to implement and become stable
> than originally predicted.

Understood. But what is the point in having a file system / volume manager
combination if you don´t offer the required redundancy levels? And that
included parity with more than one or two disks for me. Or parity-based
redundancy *at all* given the current status of the raid56 implementation.

Mirroring is not the solution to everything. Many use cases include the
for many disks and a lot of space. And parity-based is definitely needed
from the start imho.

> Altho certainly the devs haven't been idle.  /Tremendous/ progress has
> been made in general btrfs stability in that time.  It's just that,
> stability /did/ become the overriding focus, and in that time, btrfs has
> gone from a definitely experimental filesystem that could and did often
> eat data, to one that's still not entirely stable and where backups for
> data of any value are still strongly recommended, but that works pretty
> well, most of the time for most users, including not only the
> filesystem features, but even most of the existing non-traditional
> features that are (nearly) btrfs specific.

Yes, btrfs was (not sure what the status in later kernels 3.17 and 3.18 is)
not very stable. Stability certainly has priority.

> FWIW, the other, more mature but not fully GPLv2 kernel license
> compatible alternative is Sun/Oracle's ZFS.  It's a mature filesystem
> with many promised btrfs features already implemented and long mature,
> but choosing it does mean either choosing a non-mainline kernel module
> with questionable legal issues (or the slower userspace code), or
> choosing a kernel other than Linux -- one of the implementing BSDs or
> Solaris.  That's the most viable current option for some would-be btrfs
> users, tho it's not so viable for others, for various reasons.

I played with it. It has a rock solid parity implementation but some other
downsides like the requirement for ECC memory, large memory footprint,
sub-optimal interaction with the linux memory management, I/O
due to the nature of RAIDZ (all number of I/Os in a raid group (called
is exactly the number of I/O one disk is able to do - regardless of the
of disks in the vdev), and so on.

> The other more general raid solution would be to get the n-way-parity
> code into the kernel's md- or dmraid implementations.  I've no idea what
> the status is there, but presumably they're considering it, and given
> btrfs implementation timetables, they may well have it implemented and
> stable long before btrfs does.

I´ve asked on the kernel mailing list as well since it would be a waste
to throw this not entirely simple work away.

(When replying please send me the mail CC. Thanks)


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