On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 10:37 PM, Robert White <rwh...@pobox.com> wrote:
> One thing to keep in mind is that mv, when crossing any of these boundaries
> degenerates to a copy-and-remove operation and _none_ of the source files
> will be removed until _all_ of the files have been copied. If any of the
> copy operations fail the removes will not take place at all. It would only
> take a couple large NOCOW files to put you over a limit somewhere.

Hmm... So you're saying like because the copy routine that mv calls
will see the nocow attribute (and it doesn't know it's being called as
part of a move operation) and so do a full copy rather than reflink?

Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems that mv should actually ignore
the nocow attribute as far as moving it to a new location is
concerned, no, because I'm moving, not copying? Of course it should
retain the attribute of the original files *after* the move is done.

Why should noCoW affect cp --reflink anyhow? I just created a 500 MiB
file from /dev/urandom under a chattr +C-ed dir, and copied to another
subvol using cp --reflink, and fi df still shows 500 MiB, not 1 GiB.

> If you are consolidating sub-volumes (as per the original question) on a
> "nearly full" drive you may want to do it all long-hand with a script moving
> various chunks or something instead of just trying a move/copy of "cp
> --reflinks /vol1/* /vol2/" (same for mv when you get that --reflinks
> revision).

As I said, there doesn't actually seem to be a --reflink command line option.

Shriramana Sharma ஶ்ரீரமணஶர்மா श्रीरमणशर्मा
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