2014-12-01 17:39 GMT+01:00 Shriramana Sharma <samj...@gmail.com>:
> When btrfs has so many features (esp snapshots) to prevent user
> accidentally deleting data (I liked especially
> http://www.youtube.com/v/9H7e6BcI5Fo?start=209) I think there has to
> be *some* modicum of support for warning against deleting a subvolume
> (and it seems others agree too).

WOW, this is pretty neat? How can I do the same actions from the
command-line? E.g. I would be curious whether a file changed since the
last snapshot. Today I have to use traditional methods like plain "ls
-l" (in case I trust the time & file size), or "diff". But in the
video we could see a directory in a view when we only seen the changed
files. How does that YaST application do so? And is there a more
enegant way to restore files to their originals than a plain "mv"?
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