On 2014-12-05 02:42, Satoru Takeuchi wrote:
> Hi Austin,
> (2014/12/04 23:31), Austin S Hemmelgarn wrote:
>> I've recently noticed on some of my systems, that btrfs fi df
>> doesn't consistently show all of the chunk types.
>> I'll occasionally not see the GlobalReserve, or even anything
>> but System,
> For one Btrfs file system, "how inconsistent" is the same even if
> time passes? In other word,
>   a) Once "GlobalReserve" becomes to be not shown, it keep as is
>      after tha, or
>   b) Oneday "GlobalReserver" disappeared. Howevert it appear again
>      at the next day or so.
In general, once it changes the first time, things don't seem to change
again afterwards.
>> although the behavior seems to be consistent for
>> a given filesystem.
> Did you confirm the following things for your Btrfs file system?
>   a) btrfs scrub finishes without any problem, and
>   b) dmesg doesn't show any suspicious message.
Scrub and dmesg both look fine, I've also run btrfsck in no-op mode and
that doesn't report any errors either.
>> I'm using btrfs-progs 3.17.1 and kernel 3.17.4
>> with grsecurity patches (although with much of the grsec stuff disabled)
>> on all such systems.  I'd be happy to provide kernel .config or other
>> information for debugging on request.
> Could you tell me the following information, if possible?
>   - mkfs options and mount options
In both cases that I currently have access to, I created the fs with:
mkfs.btrfs -O extref,skinny-metadata,no-holes -F <device-name>
and the mount option strings for the devices in question are:
for /
noatime,sync,nosuid,nodev,noexec,compress=zlib,ssd,space_cache,autodefrag for
>   - The output of btrfs fi df
For /, I get:
  Data, single: total=43.00GiB, used=40.76GiB
  System, DUP: total=32.00MiB, used=16.00KiB
  Metadata, DUP: total=1.50GiB, used=1.05GiB
For /boot, I get:
  System, single: total=32.00MiB, used=4.00KiB
>   - .config
I've attached a gzipped copy.
>   - Any possible trigger to cause this problem
There aren't any that I know of.
>   - Btrfs specific operations, for example weekly btrfs scrub
I run scrub weekly, and balance and fstrim as needed.
>   - Do you have any system which works fine and uses a kernel
>     without grsecurity patches?
Yes, although said system has exclusively multi-device filesystems,
while the affected one is all single device filesystems.
> In addition, running one of your system with
>   - upstream kernel without grsecurity, and
>   - btrfs file system with which btrfs fi df works correctly,
I've got a recovery environment built using buildroot that is based on
the same kernel version without grsec patches, I'll reboot into that and
see what it says.
> can help to distinguish whether the problem comes from
> upstream kernel (of course it includes btrfs) or grsecurity.
> I'm not sure about grsecurity. however, I have encountered
> many problems caused by security modules.
I do have one other local kernel patch that I use, I've attached that as
well, although it should have no effect whatsoever on the fs code.

Attachment: config.gz
Description: application/gzip

diff -rU3 linux-3.16.3-gentoo/include/uapi/linux/vt.h /usr/src/linux-3.16.3-gentoo/include/uapi/linux/vt.h
--- linux-3.16.3-gentoo/include/uapi/linux/vt.h	2014-10-01 14:20:45.855383160 -0400
+++ /usr/src/linux-3.16.3-gentoo/include/uapi/linux/vt.h	2014-08-03 18:25:02.000000000 -0400
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
  * resizing).
 #define MIN_NR_CONSOLES 1       /* must be at least 1 */
-#define MAX_NR_CONSOLES	63	/* serial lines start at 64 */
-#define MAX_NR_USER_CONSOLES 63	/* must be root to allocate above this */
+#define MAX_NR_CONSOLES	15	/* serial lines start at 64 */
+#define MAX_NR_USER_CONSOLES 15	/* must be root to allocate above this */
 		/* Note: the ioctl VT_GETSTATE does not work for
 		   consoles 16 and higher (since it returns a short) */

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