On Sun, Dec 7, 2014 at 9:03 PM, Martin Steigerwald <mar...@lichtvoll.de> wrote:
> I never read that the actual disk usage is unknown. But I read that the actual
> what is free is unknown. And there are several reasons for that:

That is totally understood. But I guess when your alloc space is
nearing 90% of your disk capacity, and used space is sorta 80% or so
of the alloc space, I guess it's a reasonable thing to expect that
people should add a drive to the pool, which btrfs makes so easy.
Given this, why do people complain about btrfs not being predictable
when it comes to ENOSPC?

Even with any other FS, I do think I'd not like my files to occupy
more than 90% or so since even then defrag would probably not work.

Shriramana Sharma ஶ்ரீரமணஶர்மா श्रीरमणशर्मा
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