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On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 03:08:43PM -0400, Austin S Hemmelgarn wrote:
> On 2015-09-16 12:25, Zia Nayamuth wrote:
> >Some response to your criticism:
> >
> >1. How would that hole fare with a fully battery-backed/flash-backed
> >path (battery-backed or flash-backed HBA with disks with full power-loss
> >protection, like the Intel S3500)? In such a situation (quite
> >commonplace in server-land), power-loss should not cause any data loss
> >since all data in the cache is guaranteed to be committed to
> >non-volatile memory at some point (whether such assurances may be
> >trusted is another matter entirely though, and well outside the scope of
> >this discussion).
> It's not as much of an issue if you have full power loss protection
> (assuming of course it works),

   "Power loss" is a shorthand for a number of issues, only one of
which is related to electrons ceasing to vibrate through the wires.
You can have a power-loss-like event when your kernel crashes hard. No
UPS will help you there.

> but even then having write-barriers
> turned off is still not as safe as having them turned on.  Most of
> the time when I've tried testing with 'nobarrier' (not just on BTRFS
> but on ext* as well), I had just as many issues with data loss when
> the system crashed as when it (simlated via killing the virtual
> machine) lost power.  Both journaling and COW filesystems need to
> ensure ordering of certain write operations to be able to maintain
> consistency.  For example, the new/updated data blocks need to be on
> disk before the metadata is updated to point to them, otherwise you
> database can end up corrupted.

   Indeed. The barriers are an ordering condition. The FS relies on
(i.e. *requires*) that ordering condition, in order to be truly
consistent. Running with "nobarrier" is a very strong signal that you
really don't care about the data on the FS. 

   This is not a case of me simply believing that because I've been
using btrfs for so long that I've got used to the peculiarities. The
first time I heard about the nobarrier option, something like 6 years
ago when I was first using btrfs, I thought "that's got to be a really
silly idea". Any complex data structure, like a filesystem, is going
to rely on some kind of ordering guarantees, somewhere in its
structure. (The ordering might be strict, with a global clock, or
barrier-based, or lattice-like, as for example a vector clock, but
there's going to be _some_ concept of order). nobarrier allows the FS
to ignore those guarantees, and even without knowing anything about
the FS at all, doing so is a big red DANGER flag.


> >2. Fair point. I'd like to know his hardware, given how strongly
> >hardware can influence things.
> >
> >3. It's pretty obvious that the author of that blog is specifically
> >targeting OLTP performance (explicit statement in intro, choice of
> >benchmark, name and focus of blog), not common-case, and even states
> >that in the first two paragraphs of his conclusion. The focus is
> >somewhat less clear in said conclusion, namely, is he truly talking
> >about general purpose use or is he talking about general purpose OLTP use?
> >
> My takeaway was that he intended 'general purpose use' to mean
> generic every day usage across a wide variety of systems, he was not
> particularly specific about it however.

- -- 
Hugo Mills             | Our so-called leaders speak
hugo@... carfax.org.uk | with words they try to jail ya
http://carfax.org.uk/  | They subjugate the meek
PGP: E2AB1DE4          | but it's the rhetoric of failure.          The Police
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