Back in September I noticed that 'sudo du -chs /mnt/storage-1' reported
887GB used and 'df -h' 920GB for this particular volume - I went on
#btrfs for any suggestions, and balancing + defraging made no
difference. It had no subvolumes/snapshots etc, I basically used it like
a checksumed ext4fs.

Since the volume was converted from ext4, I redid it from scratch (so
made with kernel v4.1.3 or v4.1.6 on this Debian Testing machine), and
the problem went away.

After a couple of months, df reports 907GB used, whereas du says 884GB -
I currently have 8 large (1-5.5TB volumes) btrfs volumes in use,
storage-1 is the only SSD volume and the only one with this problem.

No balancing or defraging this time, it didn't make a difference before
and this is a relatively new volume.

Are there any sysadmin-level ways I can account for the ~23GB lost space?

Thanks for any help.


$ uname -a

Linux omega1 4.2.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.2.5-1 (2015-10-27) x86_64

$ btrfs --version

btrfs-progs v4.2.2

$ sudo btrfs fi usage /mnt/storage-1

    Device size:                 953.87GiB
    Device allocated:            932.04GiB
    Device unallocated:           21.83GiB
    Device missing:                  0.00B
    Used:                        906.10GiB
    Free (estimated):             45.35GiB      (min: 34.43GiB)
    Data ratio:                       1.00
    Metadata ratio:                   2.00
    Global reserve:              512.00MiB      (used: 0.00B)

Data,single: Size:925.01GiB, Used:901.50GiB
   /dev/sdb      925.01GiB

Metadata,single: Size:8.00MiB, Used:0.00B
   /dev/sdb        8.00MiB

Metadata,DUP: Size:3.50GiB, Used:2.30GiB
   /dev/sdb        7.00GiB

System,single: Size:4.00MiB, Used:0.00B
   /dev/sdb        4.00MiB

System,DUP: Size:8.00MiB, Used:128.00KiB
   /dev/sdb       16.00MiB

   /dev/sdb       21.83GiB

$ sudo btrfs-show-super /dev/sdb

superblock: bytenr=65536, device=/dev/sdb
csum                    0x7f6b70be [match]
bytenr                  65536
flags                   0x1
                        ( WRITTEN )
magic                   _BHRfS_M [match]
fsid                    27430475-c49a-4e3f-8f8d-be5c14be59db
label                   storage-1
generation              114344
root                    683413471232
sys_array_size          226
chunk_root_generation   114251
root_level              1
chunk_root              21004288
chunk_root_level        1
log_root                683413979136
log_root_transid        0
log_root_level          0
total_bytes             1024209543168
bytes_used              971565568000
sectorsize              4096
nodesize                16384
leafsize                16384
stripesize              4096
root_dir                6
num_devices             1
compat_flags            0x0
compat_ro_flags         0x0
incompat_flags          0x161
                        ( MIXED_BACKREF |
                          BIG_METADATA |
                          EXTENDED_IREF |
                          SKINNY_METADATA )
csum_type               0
csum_size               4
cache_generation        114344
uuid_tree_generation    114344
dev_item.uuid           c6b32341-6300-4f21-8c3b-3d7d458c3668
dev_item.fsid           27430475-c49a-4e3f-8f8d-be5c14be59db [match]
dev_item.type           0
dev_item.total_bytes    1024209543168
dev_item.bytes_used     1000765128704
dev_item.io_align       4096
dev_item.io_width       4096
dev_item.sector_size    4096
dev_item.devid          1
dev_item.dev_group      0
dev_item.seek_speed     0
dev_item.bandwidth      0
dev_item.generation     0


dmesg contains a lot of information which is superfluous to btrfs and
personal, I can filter on a regex and report if necessary.

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