What are your disk space savings when using btrfs with compression?

I have a 200 GB btrfs filesystem which uses compress=zlib, only stores text files (logs), mostly multi-gigabyte files.

It's a "single" filesystem, so "df" output matches "btrfs fi df":

# df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/xvdb       200G  124G   76G  62% /var/log/remote

# du -sh /var/log/remote/
153G    /var/log/remote/

From these numbers (124 GB used where data size is 153 GB), it appears that we save around 20% with zlib compression enabled. Is 20% reasonable saving for zlib? Typically text compresses much better with that algorithm, although I understand that we have several limitations when applying that on a filesystem level.

Tomasz Chmielewski

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