On Saturday 05 December 2015 14:37:05 Marc Joliet wrote:
>My desktop looks like this:
>% df -h
>Dateisystem    Größe Benutzt Verf. Verw% Eingehängt auf
>/dev/sda1       108G     79G   26G   76% /
>For / I get a total of about 8G or at least 9% space saving:
># du -hsc /mnt/rootfs/*
>71G     /mnt/rootfs/home
>14G     /mnt/rootfs/rootfs
>2,3G    /mnt/rootfs/var
>87G     insgesamt
>I write "at least" because this does not include snapshots.

Just to be explicit, in case it was not clear, but I of course meant that the 
*du output* does not account for extra space used by snapshots.

>On my laptop
>the  difference is merely 1 GB (83 vs. 84 GB),

And here I also want to clarify that the df output was 84 GB, and the du 
output was 83 GB.  Again, the du output does not account for snapshots, which 
go back farther on the laptop: 2 weeks of daily snapshots (with autodefrag!) 
instead of up to up to 2 days of bi-hourly snapshots.

I do think it's interesting that compression (even with LZO) seems to have 
offset the extra space wastage caused by autodefrag.

Marc Joliet
"People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who know we
don't" - Bjarne Stroustrup

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