On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 11:22:47PM +0000, Duncan wrote:
> Forgot to mention, tho you're probably already considering it, if this is 
> the same raid5-backed btrfs you were complaining about being slow in the 
> other thread, 

No, that's another one :)
This one was remade from scratch after the filesystem on it got
5 x 4TB swraid5      64GB SSD

Smart is 100% for all 5 drives, and they passed an extensive test before
I built the new raid and filesystem on them.

> and considering redoing with bcache to an ssd added, as 
> seems very likely, if it /is/ actually storage device or bus errors, that 
> could be one reason the previous one was getting so slow...  Maybe it 
> wasn't btrfs after all.

Good thinking, although in this case, it's a different filesystem.

This filesystem is however on a Sata port multiplier with a 2 meter
cable to an external disk array. 
As a result, bandwidth to it is going to be slow-ish, and the long cable
could be adding I/O errors.

On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 11:17:06PM +0000, Duncan wrote:
> I believe all formal documentation of what the error counters actually 
> mean is developer-level -- "Trust the Source, Luke."
Haha, I know that one :)
Although to be fair I was more offering for someone to tell me what
they're supposed to mean, and me updating the wiki to capture that info.

> Yet another point supporting the "btrfs is still stabilizing, not yet 
> fully stable" position, I suppose, as it could definitely be argued that 
> those counters and their visibility, including display in the kernel log 
> at mount time, are definitely intended to be consumed at the admin-user 
> level, and that it follows that they should be documented at the admin-
> user level before the filesystem can properly be defined as fully stable.
Yes :) and I'm happy to help make this reality in the wiki at least.
> Write error counter increments should be accompanied by kernel log events 
> telling you more -- what level of the device stack is returning the 
> errors that propagate up to the filesystem level, for instance.  Expected 
> would be either bus level timeouts and resets, or storage device errors.  
I agree, and I get 0 such errors here, which is why it's weird.

> If it's storage device errors, SMART data should show increasing raw 
> value relocated sectors or the like (smartctl -A).  If it's bus errors, 

Correct, and they are all at 0.

> it could be bad cabling (bad connections or bad shielding, or using 
> SATA-150 certified cables for SATA-600 or some such), or, as I saw on an 

Cabling is indeed a likely culprit, I'm just surprised that if it's the
case, the sata layer is showing me nothing (I'm doing tail -f
/var/log/kern.log and usually I'd see sata or PMP errors there)

> old and failing mobo (when I pulled it there were bulging and some 
> exploded capacitors) a few years ago, failing filter-capacitors on the 
> mobo signalling paths.  Bad power, including the possibility of an 
> overloaded UPS that hit one guy I know, is notorious for both this sort 
> of issue and memory problems, as well.

All true, but wouldn't all of these show up as actual disk errors by the
underlying driver involved too?

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