On 2016-03-07 13:39, Chris Murphy wrote:
On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 1:42 AM, Marc Haber <mh+linux-bt...@zugschlus.de> wrote:
[1] Does RHEL 6 have btrfs in the first place?

They do, but you need a decoder ring to figure out what's been
backported to have some vague idea of what equivalent kernel.org
kernel it is.

Yeah, in general, if you want to get good upstream support for BTRFS (such as from the mailing lists), you still want to steer clear of 'Enterprise' branded distros (RHEL (and by extension CentOS) is particularly bad about kernel versioning, OEL and and SLES are marginally better but still not great). People don't often think about it, but given the degree of code and version divergence due to patches, RHEL, SLES, and OEL kernels are strictly speaking, forks of Linux (most distro kernels are, but usually not to the extreme degree that enterprise kernels are (with the exception of some embedded systems, which can be even worse)).

In fact, this is part of the reason I switched from using Gentoo's official kernel sources (they're nowhere near as bad about kernel versioning as enterprise distros, but they do have back-ports and numerous local modifications I don't care about) to my own sources which (try to) directly track linux-stable (the other reason being that it's easier to maintain my own patches via git than trying to handle user patching for gentoo-sources).
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