Hi folks,

It seems that i have a "btrfs check" process that’s stuck in an infinite
recursive loop…

How could I end this without breaking my filesystem ?

Help much needed & appreciated…


Kind regards.

root@PartedMagic:~# btrfs check --repair /dev/VGZ/LINUX
enabling repair mode
Checking filesystem on /dev/VGZ/LINUX
UUID: 13c87f57-3a85-4daf-a4bf-ba777407c169
checking extents
Fixed 0 roots.
checking free space cache
cache and super generation don't match, space cache will be invalidated
checking fs roots
Deleting bad dir index [2188127,96,2152] root 267
Deleting bad dir index [2188127,96,2155] root 267
Deleting bad dir index [2188127,96,2152] root 40298
Deleting bad dir index [2188127,96,2155] root 40298
Deleting bad dir index [2188127,96,2152] root 40761
Deleting bad dir index [2188127,96,2155] root 40761
reset isize for dir 2188127 root 40815
Trying to rebuild inode:8089093
Can't determint the filetype for inode 8089093, assume it is a normal file
Can't get file name for inode 8089093, using '8089093' as fallback
Can't get file type for inode 8089093, using FILE as fallback
Moving file '8089093' to 'lost+found' dir since it has no valid backref
Fixed the nlink of inode 8089093
Trying to rebuild inode:8089098
Can't determint the filetype for inode 8089098, assume it is a normal file
Can't get file name for inode 8089098, using '8089098' as fallback
Can't get file type for inode 8089098, using FILE as fallback
Moving file '8089098' to 'lost+found' dir since it has no valid backref
Fixed the nlink of inode 8089098
Can't get file name for inode 8089093, using '8089093' as fallback
Moving file '8089093.8089093' to 'lost+found' dir since it has no valid
Fixed the nlink of inode 8089093
root 40815 inode 8089093 errors 10, odd dir item
Can't get file name for inode 8089098, using '8089098' as fallback
Moving file '8089098.8089098' to 'lost+found' dir since it has no valid
Fixed the nlink of inode 8089098
root 40815 inode 8089098 errors 10, odd dir item
Can't get file name for inode 8089093, using '8089093' as fallback
Moving file '8089093.8089093.8089093' to 'lost+found' dir since it has
no valid backref
Fixed the nlink of inode 8089093
root 40815 inode 8089093 errors 10, odd dir item
Can't get file name for inode 8089098, using '8089098' as fallback
Moving file '8089098.8089098.8089098' to 'lost+found' dir since it has
no valid backref
Fixed the nlink of inode 8089098
root 40815 inode 8089098 errors 10, odd dir item
Deleting bad dir index [2188127,96,2152] root 40815
Deleting bad dir index [2188127,96,2155] root 40815
reset isize for dir 2188127 root 40815
Can't get file name for inode 8089093, using '8089093' as fallback
Moving file '8089093.8089093.8089093.8089093' to 'lost+found' dir since
it has no valid backref
Fixed the nlink of inode 8089093
Can't get file name for inode 8089098, using '8089098' as fallback
Moving file '8089098.8089098.8089098.8089098' to 'lost+found' dir since
it has no valid backref
Fixed the nlink of inode 8089098
Can't get file name for inode 8089093, using '8089093' as fallback
Moving file '8089093.8089093.8089093.8089093.8089093' to 'lost+found'
dir since it has no valid backref
Fixed the nlink of inode 8089093
Can't get file name for inode 8089098, using '8089098' as fallback
Moving file '8089098.8089098.8089098.8089098.8089098' to 'lost+found'
dir since it has no valid backref
Fixed the nlink of inode 8089098
Deleting bad dir index [2188127,96,2152] root 40869
Deleting bad dir index [2188127,96,2155] root 40869
Can't get file name for inode 8089093, using '8089093' as fallback
Moving file '8089093.8089093.8089093.8089093.8089093.8089093' to
'lost+found' dir since it has no valid backref
Fixed the nlink of inode 8089093
Can't get file name for inode 8089098, using '8089098' as fallback
Moving file '8089098.8089098.8089098.8089098.8089098.8089098' to
'lost+found' dir since it has no valid backref
Fixed the nlink of inode 8089098
Can't get file name for inode 8089093, using '8089093' as fallback
Moving file '8089093.8089093.8089093.8089093.8089093.8089093.8089093' to
'lost+found' dir since it has no valid backref
Fixed the nlink of inode 8089093
Can't get file name for inode 8089098, using '8089098' as fallback
Moving file '8089098.8089098.8089098.8089098.8089098.8089098.8089098' to
'lost+found' dir since it has no valid backref
Fixed the nlink of inode 8089098
Can't get file name for inode 8089093, using '8089093' as fallback
Moving file
'8089093.8089093.8089093.8089093.8089093.8089093.8089093.8089093' to
'lost+found' dir since it has no valid backref
Fixed the nlink of inode 8089093
Can't get file name for inode 8089098, using '8089098' as fallback
Moving file
'8089098.8089098.8089098.8089098.8089098.8089098.8089098.8089098' to
'lost+found' dir since it has no valid backref
Fixed the nlink of inode 8089098
Deleting bad dir index [2188127,96,2152] root 40905
Deleting bad dir index [2188127,96,2155] root 40905
Can't get file name for inode 8089093, using '8089093' as fallback
Moving file
'8089093.8089093.8089093.8089093.8089093.8089093.8089093.8089093.8089093' to
'lost+found' dir since it has no valid backref
Fixed the nlink of inode 8089093
Can't get file name for inode 8089098, using '8089098' as fallback
Moving file
'8089098.8089098.8089098.8089098.8089098.8089098.8089098.8089098.8089098' to
'lost+found' dir since it has no valid backref
Fixed the nlink of inode 8089098
Can't get file name for inode 8089093, using '8089093' as fallback
Moving file
to 'lost+found' dir since it has no valid backref
Fixed the nlink of inode 8089093
Can't get file name for inode 8089098, using '8089098' as fallback
Moving file
to 'lost+found' dir since it has no valid backref
Fixed the nlink of inode 8089098
Deleting bad dir index [2188127,96,2152] root 41096
Deleting bad dir index [2188127,96,2155] root 41096
Can't get file name for inode 8089093, using '8089093' as fallback
Moving file
to 'lost+found' dir since it has no valid backref
Fixed the nlink of inode 8089093
Can't get file name for inode 8089098, using '8089098' as fallback
Moving file
to 'lost+found' dir since it has no valid backref
Fixed the nlink of inode 8089098

Ad lib…

Swâmi Petaramesh <sw...@petaramesh.org> http://petaramesh.org PGP 9076E32E

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